View SE; Sept. 11, 1955. The valley south of Cooper Mountain - SW of Beaverton.
The Wenzel farm on a hot, dry fall day
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 Augusta Braune, Ardith Yunkers, Bertha Yhomisan and Ethel Moore. July 1959, Centennial, OR.
 Color version of same day in Centennial
 No name with photo.
 Philomena Kuschel Kahler with lambs.
 Margaret and Fred Wenzel, taken in the 1950's.
 1)Augusta, 3)Fred, 4)Olney, 5)Margaret, 6)Mrs. Grabhorn, 7)Elizabeth Herring -Kurt's sister-
8)Joseph, 9)Joey, 10)Donald, 11)Freddie, 12)Marlene. Picnic at Kurt Bruune's, probably a
wedding anniversary. Wenzels, Netters, Kaisers, Herrings. Mid-forties
 A group of young people, possibly at the Wenzel farm; SW of Beaverton, OR., about 1921.
 Alfred Wenzel and friends at the Wenzel farm. 1921 Chevrolet.
 Uncle Bill Wenzel. Beautiful hand-written script on back of photo; looks German,
I think is a date in July.
 June 3, 1917. Augusta Wenzel, Lena Grabhorn, Roy Bierly, unidentified man,
Fred Grabhorn.
 Wedding 1920 Augusta and Kurt Braune. Left to right: August Wenzel (father), Augusta
Wenzel, Kurt Braune, Bill Wenzel, Fred Wenzel, Martha Wenzel (mother). Joe Wenzel in front.
 Green house, Morton Grove, Ill. Aunt Augusta on RT?
 No names.
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Updated 3-30-08
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